Monday, February 13, 2006

Help Drive More Traffic to YOUR Web Site, Direct Mail + Web = SUCCESS

Send Catalogs! Southwest Indian Foundation is one of my favorite examples of a direct mail SUCCESS story, starting out with a one-page flyer and growing to an over 100-page catalog and webstore...check them out! They combine catalog sales and their mission for an awesome combination of superior customer/donor relations.

Catalog recipients account for 22% of web site traffic and 37% of e-commerce dollars.

Online consumers who received a catalog from any given retailer were TWICE AS LIKELY to make an online purchase at that retailer's web site. They made 15% more transactions than those who did not receive catalogs, and their spending was 16% higher. Catalog recipients made 16% more web site visits, viewed 22% more web pages and spent 15% MORE TIME at the retailer's site.

Catalogs lift sales! Catalogs play a decisive role in driving conversion (which is the % of catalog recipients who visited the cataloger's web site and made a purchase) for BOTH prospects and existing customers. In fact, the conversion rate was 260% higher from catalog versus non-catalog recipients for NEW customers and 67% higher from existing customers. Catalogs transcend deomographic groups, too. Catalog recipients across the board were more likely to buy from the retailer's web site -- regardless of household income, geography or education factors.

Based on this study, 1 million web site consumers who recieved catalogs (spent an average of $260 per transaction) versus those same number of visitors did not receive catalogs (spent an average of $224) would result in a revenue "lift" (or increase) of $21.1Million more in sales.

Direct Mail and the Web are on online partnership for tomorrow!

Source: USPS and comScore

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