Thursday, September 04, 2008

My Myers-Briggs Personality or Sale-ing through life with great friends! Part 2

Strategist Mobilizer or ENTJ (Extraversion, iNtuition, Thinking, Judging) per the Myers Briggs Personality Test

Description: These individuals are leaders who maximize results by enhancing the talents of those that they lead and making them better people. Accomplishing and strategically coordinating complex projects while forging partnerships along the way provides these individuals with great joy. By assembling all available resources, from people to financial backing to institutional help, they are able to achieve whatever they have envisioned. They get energized through mentoring and empowering people, rather than just directing the actions of those they work with to allow for better efficiency in the long-run.

Their thinking is best described as integrative and analytical, which results in the ability to integrate the insights they have gained from intuitive exploration into a coordinated plan that sequences events effectively. When dealing with others interpersonally, they are able to balance harmony and conflict while distinguishing between worthy disruptions and unimportant ones. Others, at times, view them as abrupt and overly critical, which can cause them to miss out on the depth of their caring.

The Strategist Mobilizer displays kindness and affection by doing things for the people that they care about and consistently pursuing goals and advice based on strategic thinking. They struggle with the sense that they’ll never be able to totally manage their time and resources properly, causing them to feel inadequate and overwhelmed. Yet, they rarely miss a deadline.

How Others May See Them: ENTJs love, and are energized by stimulating interactions with people. They often challenge people's statements and behaviors, expecting that others will defend them and that, as a result, mutual learning will take place. ENTJs admire and seek out people who are knowledgeable and who stand up to them, say what they think and argue persuasively.

The Strategist Mobilizer
Overview: As the Strategist Mobilizer, you are the perfect commandant! You provide structure wherever you can, and inspire people to work toward distant goals. You can visualize where a group or an organization is going, and you can communicate that vision to others.

You’re the natural builder of organizations. You need to know the reason for doing anything, and feelings are not enough of a reason for you. You like people who stand up to you and say what they think! In love, you expect a lot of your mate, and that person needs to have a strong personality and well-developed self-esteem in order to do well as your partner. Five percent of the population is composed of Strategist Mobilizers.

Love: As a sociable, expansive Extravert, you tend to unload your emotions as you go along, and feel that the only way to understand life is to live it fully. You therefore may prefer having multiple relationships before you try single-hearted commitment. You’ll be attracted to your opposite, so you’ll need to guard against trying to change your sweetie into a copy of yourself!

You’re an Intuitive, so you develop relationships slowly, and your orientation is to the future. You spend time fantasizing about a future with a person before you actually make a commitment. Only a deep relationship brings you satisfaction. Your Intuitive imagination makes you an interesting and exciting partner. You want your relationship to inspire you, and may find yourself just a little disappointed when it turns out not to be perfect. That’s because you, as an Intuitive, just can’t help craving and expecting inspiration.

Because you’re a Thinking type, your Feeling may be somewhat undeveloped. You value logic above sentiment, principles and criteria above relationships. You do experience intense emotions, but you don’t show them visibly. This can make you seem rather cold, uncaring, or indifferent to other types. You may need to make a real effort to let your sweetie know how you feel, even though you hate stating what seems obvious to you – or you may find yourself alone.

Your preference for the Judging style means you’re organized and purposeful, like to plan ahead, and are comfortable with schedule and structure in your environment. Judging is how you manage your outer life. You like things to be settled and decided, so you know what’s going to happen and how to plan for it. Many short-term experimental relationships are not for you: you’re looking for “the one,” and hoping to get things settled as soon as possible. Over a lifetime, there will almost certainly be more than one; but you tend more to serial monogamy than to several relationships going on at once.

Career: Your Extravert attitude is confident and directed outward, toward many people and activities. This means you like to work in a broad area, preferably with a team, and you want to present your projects early (and often) to hear what others think of them. Your batteries are charged by frequent interactions with people, so a busy environment is great for you.

Routine is disagreeable to you, as an Intuitive. The only careers that interest you are those that have some room for inspiration and creativity. You start with the “big picture,” a vision of what can be, and work backwards to the facts and details that will be needed to make your vision come to life. You’re likely good at languages, and at anything that deals with symbols – an initiator and an inventor, original and enterprising.

As a Thinker, you like to make decisions objectively, logically, and analytically. You may prefer not to be a visible leader, but you can be a powerful force behind the scenes. You settle for nothing less than competence in yourself. You’re at your best with what’s impersonal, and are skillful with machinery, inanimate objects, principles, or theories. You can handle things that must be done impersonally. You might be a good surgeon, for example, or a judge; or you might enjoy a scientific or technical field where logic is important.

As a Judger, you like things neat, organized, and scheduled. You prefer to plan your work and work to the plan till the project is done. Just the essentials needed to start a project: that’s all you want, and off you go with it. You may have a tendency to make too-quick decisions, because you value closure; but you enjoy the decision process, and like it to be part of your job. Administration in any form will be satisfying to you.

Spirit: Your physical health can sometimes be affected by your Extraverted tendency to overextend your activities. Health, both mental and physical, and general wholesomeness depend, for you, on cultivating a reasonable balance of Introversion. A Pilates or yoga program might help with that balance, as both require focus on the moment and the self.

For you, because you’re Intuitive, the future is always pulling at your imagination, keeping your head in the clouds, focusing your attention on possibilities of changing or improving the present.

As a Thinking type, you may not be especially aware of physical or emotional discomfort, in yourself or in others; so you would do well to cultivate such awareness consciously. Achieving balance will mean thinking about why some things in your life have not gone as well as you wanted them to; you can probably make a good guess at what you should have done differently. Your Thinking strength can help you act differently in similar situations in the future.

You are a Judger, so to achieve balance you’ll need to find some areas where you can just hang loose and enjoy whatever happens, instead of planning it and looking towards closure. Yoga would be useful, in its focus on Right Now and accepting things just the way they are; yoga would also provide you with some great stretching and toning for your body, something you probably neglect because you’re so busy carrying out your plans to completion.

ok, way too much information about me, but really dead-on stuff!

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